Thursday, November 19, 2009

Off the face hairstyle?

Ok so when I go to school dances it gets really hot, and my forehead sweats a bunch. I have swoop bangs and when I sweat my bangs get kind of curly and plastered to my face.

Is there a cute hairstyle that you would suggest to help prevent this [my hair sticking to my face]

Thanks bunches!

Off the face hairstyle?

Just backcomb the hair behind your bangs, pin them back, and then push the hair forward a little. If you wanted, you could pull the rest of your hair into a ponytail.
Reply:its hard to explain but do this thing like a buble almost. so grabyour bangs and put them straight baaack then push forward alitlle. then put the reat ing a ponttail ... its so cut for dances.

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