Monday, April 12, 2010

With Mr. Chen Xiaobin face-to-face?

With Mr. Chen Xiaobin face-to-face

Question: Mr. Chen Xiaobin, did you help in your situation in无任 who to complete the Moon to hit the Earth more than 100,000characters the theory not to be truly easy, asked Mr. Chen filialpiety Bin why nobody did help you at that time? You once have longedfor others' help? Answer: I left at that time hometown time just now the reach 20 yearsold, do not have a social experience and the survival skill, at thattime, regardless of I walked there, where regardless of I did gobegging, in my heart the only thought is I certainly must exactlydown, only had lives down can complete this great wish Says the help, said to the good person, they can give me a bowl food,calculates the help However some bored sinister people they pursueare injuring me, but also some ride the airplane to pursue me, takeinjures me as the pleasure I once have written down such pairssentence in a poem: " .. They use the stone to hit me, withkicks the dead dog the shoe to kick my... ' ' .

Question: " Mr. Chen Xiaobin, you studies the Moon hitsthe Earth speaking of you or the significance speaking of the humanityto be extremely significant, however on the Internet some people saidyour Moon hits the Earth more than 100,000 characters the theory alsoto be inferior to break wind, even also some people scold you are thelunatics, but also some people said you study these theory Americansalready have studied, you to such shout curses have what view?

Answer: Actually, what is a person? I the view am most thorough to theperson The majority person's thought all is walking with the mediaIn other words, the people are pulled every day by the media publicopinion are walking, people's brains are such simple They live incommon custom " Struggles ' ' In the middle ofcharacter, " The struggle eats ' ' " Strugglewealth ' ' " Seeks fame and fortune ' ' Theirdaily thinking activity all occupies under the animal instinct attackcondition As for mine theory, I study this line, I am clearest only

Question: Mr. Chen Xiaobin, you can to everybody introduce how theMoon hits the Earth? Also has the Moon to hit the Earth the evidencein where?

Answer: In prehistoric some time, the Moon truly hit the Earth,moreover has dislodged a Pacific Ocean, hit in front of the Earth inthe Moon, on the Earth everywhere all was the water, afterwards, theMoon dislodged a gulf on the Earth, on Earth's water rapidly hasflowed to that gulf, thereupon only then has formed the Pacific OceanAlso therefore, the dinosaur massively exterminates, because of theenvironment change, part of dinosaur evolves the person and thepresent animal, moreover part of dinosaur actually swam to the PacificOcean, more walks deeply, is the present whale The Moon hits Earththis phenomenon to evolve Central Africa in the biology to be oftenimportant, it is a separatrix, in this separatrix front animal, theyall is stands erect walks, like present Antarctica penguin andkangaroo But behind the separatrix animal, their four limbs all arethe place, this reduces related with food level is

Question: Mr. Chen Xiaobin, you once on the Internet many timesappealed in the middle of the Nobel prize should have your, but, theNobel prize appraisal committee possibly does not know you, then youalso can appeal once more?

Answer: No, I no longer appealed or shouts: " Chen Xiaobincertainly can obtain Nobel to reward ' ' Because I hadthoroughly understood, the Nobel prize has not issued for the beggar Posting related picture: Author: 58.82.195. * 2007-6-5 13:14 replies this speech Posting related picture:



With Mr. Chen Xiaobin face-to-face?
.....Yes! ?????, indeed. I have the same puzzlement...what to make of it? It's always amazing to hear the glib prouncements of someone trying to position himself as a man of knowledge. It's audacious and risky, considering that not everyone is so gullible, some people actually think carefully before they decide the merits of audacious statements like these, which in the end are pretty typical of gurus who in their private moments drive to boutique stores in their expensive cars and write off their world travels as business expenses.

The answer is - don't be overly awed by an Indian smoking peyote or an oriental guy sitting in a lotus position on a rock at the top of a mountain or a man with long, flowing hair and beatific eyes. The answer is - take it with a grain of salt. The answer is - marvel at the diversity of human thought!

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