Monday, April 12, 2010

Tiny Black Moles on Face?

For some reason, I have been developing very small moles on my face. I mean very tiny, but they are developing on my neck, as well as my face. There on both sides of the face, I thought they were just something with aging, but I cant have this. Im a 30 year old black male. Someone please help

Tiny Black Moles on Face?
One possibility: Addison's Disease ( a disease of the adrenal glands) often causes dark spots to appear on the face/body. Best to get checked by a doctor.
Reply:It's called dermatosis papulosa nigra, and it's very common. You can see a dermatologist who can freeze them, snip them off, or use what's called a hyfrecator to apply electrical current to them than burns them off. Lots of black people have used those treatments with excellent results.

Word of warning: you'll get more as you age.
Reply:Maybe they are just black heads....can you pop them? Because if you could they are most likely black heads

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