Saturday, April 17, 2010

Numbness on face???

Someone I know has been experiencing numbness on his face- it happens periodically, He's healthy, he had a foot surgery a year ago but that's about it- no problems what so ever, it just happens for no reason. He says it feels like he has anesticia on his face, not like when a part of your body falls asleep %26amp; it feels kind of tingling %26amp; hurts in a way- not that way- it just feels like kind of numb. He also smokes pot daily ( 1 blunt).Can anyone tell me what that can be. Please only serious answers only, if you have something rude to say- skip this question... Thank You everyone.

Numbness on face???
There can be all kinds of reasons for this happening, some quite serious, some not. He shouldn't mess around with guessing about the reason, though. He really needs to see his doctor about it ASAP.
Reply:he probably has a nerve damage in his mouth around a tooth or something or he could just be playing with you and be smoking coke. anyways maybe visiting a dentist would be smart.
Reply:Pot smoking won't do that.I think he needs to see a doctor for blood tests to rule out hep c,neuralgia etc.Get him to go and see his doc.
Reply:i would help


"NO" thank you

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