Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wart on face help?

I have a wart on my forehead near my hairline. Im not sure how to get rid of it I bought some Wartners wart freez stuff. It says not to use on face. What is a way i can get rid of it. And what are the risks of using the wartners stuff on my face is it a big risk. Also is Chryotherapy expenisve and does it take a long does the doctor do it while your in his office or do you have to go to some operation room and is it fast, how long does it take?

Wart on face help?
They probably recommend not using it on your face because it may leave a small scar. The doctor can freeze it in his office takes only a few seconds, burns a little and will blister afterwards. Then in a few days it will fall off. May come back again.

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