Monday, May 4, 2009

Why we face problem to say no?

When we don't like things we feel that it is time to exit but still we face problem in saying that two letter word "no". One feels that he is dominated or underestimated but still at times he hesitates expressing his dislike or speaking his mind. Why this happens? Why we face problem to say no ?

Why we face problem to say no?
i think its because we are scared of what the other person will say or think if we say no to them. or we just dont like letting people down and most people i think are people pleasers. I sure know i am! i hate saying no to somebody even if i dont want to do what they are asking me [ unless it goes against my beliefs ] like if they ask me to do them a favor.
Reply:we are afraid of what the other person thinks

Reply:We are taught to please.
Reply:it's human nature
Reply:One word afraid. We are afraid of the reaction we will get it's as simple as that. If we are nice and say yes we know we will get a good reaction but if we go against whatever it may be who knows what will happen.

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